Sugar Daddy – Part 2



Christmas Sugar Daddy by Amjead, 17 k,
explicit.  (Dubcon.) Rent boy Sherlock
gets purchased by Captain Watson. He doesn’t yet know how this will change his

In the crush of the dark by
lbmisscharlie, 7 k, explicit. Sherlock never said please. He demanded, he
regaled, he commanded, but he didn’t request. This was Sherlock at his most
vulnerable, perhaps, or his most manipulative. Sherlock/Lestrade. Underage.

Gladstone by consultingbluebell, 6
k, explicit. Sherlock is working as a dog-sitter to earn extra cash for
university, and while he watches Gladstone, Dr. Watson’s little dachshund, he
decides to conduct a bit of research on the doctor, in the form of sneaking
into his bedroom.

To A Tee by lookupkate, 15 k,
explicit. Sherlock receives a text from an unknown number. The man is under the
impression that he needs a sugar daddy. After careful consideration…well, he
could be right.

A Kept Man Isn’t A Weak
by Elphen,
20 k, explicit. Omegaverse. Omega Sherlock is struggling with poverty and a
drug habit when money starts trickling into his account. He’s told all he needs
to do is get off the drugs, and make himself available to be a companion
occasionally. The Alpha who shows up at his door is not what he expected at

Love Your Daddy by roses_bees_deer, 9 k,
explicit.  Coffee Shop Au. Dr. Watson was
the best idea Sherlock ever had. And Sherlock Holmes was the best idea John
Watson ever had. They each get what they want and are very, very, very happy
with each other.

A Lucky Fellow by GubraithianFire, 4 k, explicit. Five places in which wealthy surgeon
John Watson and his boy have sex.

The Breath Before Us
by fayfayfay, 3 k, explicit. Omegaverse. In a very traditional society, a
slightly washed-up Alpha army doctor gets a second chance at life when the
Holmes family invites him to dinner to meet their younger son. Sherlock is an
odd duck, an Omega who has stubbornly refused all his suitors, and he’s running
out of time to make a match.  Big age difference, Sherlock is barely legal
and John is middle aged. Sweet.

Heirs and Spares by
Laiquilasse, 30 k, explicit. Omegaverse. Alpha-Captain John Watson is invalided
back home to the surprise news that his parents have arranged a marriage for
him with an omega he’s never met. Sadly, John doesn’t feel any attraction with
Mycroft Holmes, but his younger brother is something else. John is in trouble.
(part of series “How to Court an Omega.)

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